Workshop " Brazilian Samba on the plate" Łódź, Poland (27 August 2015 )


I was invited by Book&Cook Studio Kulinarne to run a workshop with the topic “Brazilian samba on the plate” in Łódź, Poland. I was really looking forward to run a workshop in my home town and in my native language as I usually run my workshops in English or Swedish. Before
I left Sao Paulo I bought some essential products like black beans, palm oil, palms hearts and dry meat that filled completely one of my suitcases. After a long journey I finally arrived in Łodź, Poland but not my precious suitcases!  It took extra two days before I got everything. During the workshop we prepared Heart of Palm soup, Feijoada, Moqueca, Pudim de leite and the national Brazilian drink Caipirinha. I was surprised about how smooth everything went and how delicious food people prepared not mentioning the great Caipirinhas with lime, oranges and chili done by Przemek!  Thank you Paulia and Maciej from Book&Cook for inviting me, Joanna for a great assistance during the workshop and all of you who were participating at the Brazilian cooking workshop in Łódź, Poland! Agnieszka and Konrad (GUN FOR HIRE) thank you for taking many great pictures! Some of participates asked me if I could run workshop with the topic Scandinavian food. It is very tempting and I have already some ideas just give me some time and I will come back to you. Some days ago I got a message from Adam who participated in the workshop in Łódź happily sharing his version of Feijoada! Thank you Adam for sharing it with me, it was a pleasure to meet you! I really hope to see you all soon!
