Seafood Risotto with Langoustines (9 November 2015)


Last few days I had opportunity to eat good food at some interesting restaurants in Sao Paulo. Sometimes I forget how privilege I am to be able to live here and to have possibility to visit all those interesting places. Each restaurant has a unique interior design where you can see tendency to mix different styles and materials. Brazilian designers are very creative and they think out of the box. I really enjoy visiting new places and trying new food that normally inspire me to cook something new. At Chez Oscar I could enjoy unusual design and excellent bistro food. I ordered a beef tartare that just melted in my mouth. On Saturday I had lunch at the Italian restaurant La Grassa. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere and they serve homemade pasta. I ordered my favorte tagliatelle with eggplants, smoke ricotta cheese and tomatoe sauce and it was as good as always. On Sunday I went to a new place Figo that was recommended by my friend Chef Patrick. I really enjoyed the interior design of this place, cozy atmosphere and very good service. The food could be better for the price we paid! Anyway I enjoyed ceviche with lechee and I am going to prepare it one day.
After some luxury days out of my kitchen, it is time to cook sea food risotto with langoustines.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do with a glass of white wine!

Seafood Risotto with Langoustines

Servings 4

320 g risotto rice
200 g fresh cleaned langoustine
150 g champignon mushrooms, sliced
4 sprigs parsley, chopped
10 cherry tomatoes, mix red with yellow, cut in four pieces
1 shallot onion, chopped
½ l seafood stock
1 dl white wine
oil for frying
salt and pepper
150 g butter
100 g parmesan cheese freshly grated
4 tiger shrimps for decoration

Heat olive oil in a large pan hit.Add finely chopped shallot and fry for 2 minutes. Add rice and let it cook for 1 minute.

Add white wine, keep stirring and add the seafood stock un til it covers the rice. Add cherry tomatoes, some salt and let it cook for 15 minutes, stir regularly. Add more stock after some time when you see that it has been absorbed.

Fry the mushrooms for around 10 minutes. Put aside.

Fry langoustines in olive oil on both sides for around 3-5 minutes. Quickly remove them and put it into a bowl that you should cover with foil to keep it warm.

After 15 minutes cooking, the rice should be ready. Add mushrooms, langoustines, butter and freshly grated parmesan. Stir gently until the risotto will get creamy and the parmesan has melted. Meanwhile, fry the tiger shrimps in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Serve the risotto on plates and decorate with chopped parsley and tiger shrimps.
